During a direct neurofeedback therapy session, the client sits and loosely pays attention to what they are experiencing. Results usually begin within 10 minutes.
​Direct Neurofeedback has helped focus and reduced impulsivity and hyperactivity in adults and children.
Neurofeedback is a nonmedication alternative treatment for their anxiety symptoms. Clients have experienced a calmer feeling after their first session.
During and after treatment patients report feeling better and having less negative thoughts. Overall a enhanced sense of wellbeing has been reported.
Neurofeedback showed a reduction in autistic symptoms, enhancement of function between the brain & behavior, & reduction of hyperconnectivity.
​Direct and LENS Neurofeedback is a very effective PTSD treatment helping our patients feel calmer and less hypervigilant.
Learning Disabilities
Direct and LENS Neurofeedback for learning disabilities allows you to reshape information processing networks in your brain.
Traumatic Brain Injury
​Neurofeedback has helped TBI patients improve problems with attention, impulse and emotional control, seizures, memory, and physical balance.
Improved sleep and decreased anxiety are two of the most common responses to Direct Neurofeedback treatments. Falling asleep easier, sleeper deeper, with more vivid dreams and dream recall are frequently reported. Sleeping through the night.